
We are inspired by nature and therefore we try not to harm it.


We choose natural materials

To create our products we use natural or recyclable materials. They will age beautifully and will last years. Even if you decide for some reason to throw away one of our products, some of its parts will decompose with no harm to the environment, and others can be reused - just remember to sort out your rubbish! Moreover, the leather we work with is a food industry waste.


We are local

We make all our products ourselves or with some help from the neighbourhood creaftsmen, and we source the materials and components locally.


We avoid plastic

We don't use any plastic in our production  (with the exxeption of ready-made light sockets), and the supplies we pack your orders with are mostly repurposed, secon circulation waste. We believe that you'd rather get our products wrapped in bubblewrap scraps that generate new trash.